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ESSG-90267 SACD Stravinsky

SRP 59,00 €

59,00 €

Igor Stravinsky's "Le Sacre du printemps" and Alexander Scriabin's "Le Poème de l'extase" and "Prométhée - le Poème du feu," recorded by the Kirov Orchestra and Kirov Chorus of the Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg, with pianist Alexander Toradze, conducted by Valery Gergiev. Recorded at the Festspielhaus in Baden-Baden (for "Le Sacre du printemps" and "Le Poème de l'extase") between July 24-27, 1999, and at the Michael Hall in Mikkeli, Finland (for "Prométhée") in July 1997, using the Jaap de Jong vacuum tube equipment.

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Track List

Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971)

Le Sacre du printemps
Part 1: L'Adoration de la terre

  1. Introduction
  2. Les Augures printaniers – Danses des adolescentes
  3. Jeu du rapt
  4. Rondes printanières
  5. Jeu des cités rivales
  6. Cortège du sage
  7. Le sage
  8. Danse de la terre

Part 2: Le Sacrifice

  1. Introduction
  2. Cercles mystérieux des adolescents
  3. Glorification de l'élue
  4. Évocation des ancêtres
  5. Action rituelle des ancêtres
  6. Danse sacrale

Alexander Scriabin (1872-1915)

Le Poème de l'extase

  1. Op. 54

Prométhée - le Poème du feu

  1. Op. 60

Alexander Toradze, Piano
Kirov Chorus, St Petersburg
Kirov Orchestra, Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg
Conducted by Valery Gergiev

Executuve Producer: Anna Barry
Producer: Stan Thal [Le Sacre du printemps, Le Poème de l'extase]
Anna Barry [Prométhée]
Balance Engineers: Jaap de Jong [Le Sacre du printemps, Le Poème de l'extase]
Held Groot [Prométhée]
Recording Engineer: Thiess Hextra
Editing Engineers: Stan Thal [Le Sacre du printemps, Le Poème de l'extase]
Thiess Hextra
Mastering by Audio Archiving Company

Recorded: July 24-27 1999, at the Festspielhaus, Baden-Baden [Le Sacre du printemps, Le Poème de l'extase]
July 1997, at the Michael Hall, Mikkeli, Finland [Prométhée]
with the Jaap de Jong vaccum tube equipement.

Producer: Motoaki Ohmachi (ESOTERIC COMPANY)
Mastering Engineer: Masaya Higashino (ESOTERIC COMPANY)
Technical Engineer: Tetsuya Kato (ESOTERIC COMPANY)